Monday, February 8, 2010

DCH Auto Group Host Golf Tournament to Benefit SADD

DCH Auto Group recently held its 2010 West Coast Golf Tournament at North Ranch Country Club in Westlake Village, California.  The event raised $21,329 to benefit SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions).

In 2008, DCH Auto Group made a commitment to teen safe driving and launched “Mindless Driving.  Keep It Out of Cars.”  The goal of this initiative is to raise awareness and challenge teen perceptions of the dangers faced on the road.  DCH also selected SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) as its non-profit partner for this initiative.

“One cornerstone of DCH Auto Group’s support of SADD is its sponsorship of two students per school to attend the SADD National Conference,” said Susan Scarola, President and CEO of DCH Auto Group.  “With the generous donations from those who attended the golf tournament, we can now sponsor additional students and faculty advisors from each school.”

SADD National Conference participants attend motivational presentations, seminars, and activities aimed at exchanging new approaches and gathering ideas that they can share with their communities and develop into events for their local SADD chapters.  The conference also includes numerous workshops aimed at providing students and advisors with information about serious topics, such as underage drinking, teen violence and suicide, advocacy, driving safety, diversity, and bullying.

Student Shawn Alavi , Vice President of the Newbury Park High School SADD Chapter, said, “it was thanks to DCH that I was able to attend the SADD National Conference last year.”  He added that the conference helped him to really learn about SADD, the dangers teens face with destructive decisions and embrace sobriety.

“Raising money at this event so that more teens can attend our national conference is another example of how tremendous a supporter DCH Auto Group has been of SADD,” said Penny Wells, Executive Director of SADD.
Founded in 1981 as Students Against Drunk Driving, SADD is the largest student-run organization empowering young people to lead education and prevention initiatives in their schools and communities.  SADD’s approach involves young people delivering messages to their peers through student run activities.

“Through our teen safe driving program and our sponsorship of SADD, we know we can help the young people of our communities stay safe and make positive decisions,” said Shau-wai Lam, Chairman of DCH Auto Group.  “With the help of our munificent patrons at the golf outing, we are able to have that much more of an impact.”

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